Victory Kia
 Sales 361-333-4542
Service 361-333-4542
5101 N Navarro St Victoria, TX 77904
Today 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Open Today !
Sales: 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
All Hours

Auto Repair

Trustworthy Car Repairs

The service techs at Victory Kia can diagnose and repair whatever is wrong with your Kia vehicle. From minor things like cabin filters and taillights to bigger repairs to your drivetrain. Just request an appointment online to get started.

Victory Kia Victoria TX

Book Your Service Appointment Today.


We make scheduling your next service simple with our easy to use online scheduling.


Kia Auto Repair


Victory Kia offers car repairs on all Kia vehicles no matter the issue, large or small. Repairs can me as minor as replacing headlights or a new windshield to as major as installing a new transmission. No matter the issue, schedule an appointment today and let Kia's professional auto mechanics take charge on servicing your Kia!


☑ Headlight Replacement

☑ Cosmetic Repair

☑ Transmission Replacement

☑ Engine Diagnostics

Service Hours

8:00AM - 6:00PM
8:00AM - 6:00PM
8:00AM - 6:00PM
8:00AM - 6:00PM
8:30AM - 7:00PM

Maintenance & Repairs in Victoria


At Victory Kia we believe that routine maintenance is key in order to increase the longevity of your vehicle. Not only will you see your vehicle run longer, but you will also experience top notch performance and avoid unnecessary costly repairs. When the unexpected does occur, we have you covered. Our team of highly trained technicians are ready to service your vehicle for all of your routine and unexpected repairs. From a simple oil change to a more extensive engine fix, we will get you in and out of the shop in record time so you can get back on the road where your vehicle belongs.